We are wildly generous
Friday, 9th September 2016
Here at Ignite, we want Friday nights with us to be the best night of the week. To make that happen we need everyone to be working towards that goal.
To help, we’ve come up with some ‘core values’, things that are important to us. If everyone is following these core values then we believe that Ignite really will be the best night of the week.
So we’re kicking off with…
We are wildly generous
Here at Ignite we want to be wildly generous. We believe that God has given us so much, and it’s our job to then give that out to others.
Freely you have received; freely give.
Matthew 10:8b NIV
We’re like distribution centres. God puts the ‘resources’ in us, then we go and distribute them to those that need them.
Say someone desperately needs a friend. We can be that for them. Someone needs somebody listen to them, I can do that!
Whenever we see someone with a need we ask ourselves “how can I fill that need?”. And then, we go fill it.