Found People Find People
Friday, 23rd September 2016
This right here is our purpose. ‘What does it mean?’ you ask. Let us explain.
What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ and be found in him,
Philippians 3:8-9a NIV
Here at Ignite we believe that we’re all broken people. All of us have messed up and make mistakes. And all of us continue to make mistakes. That’s why we love Jesus, because He came to make up for all our mistakes. As the Bible says in the verse above, those that choose to follow Jesus are ‘found in him‘. Now that we’ve been found in Him, our job is to find others who we can help come to know Jesus as well.
To put it bluntly, we believe that’s the only reason we’re still here on earth. We’re not here to get a nice job, nice car, nice family and nice house. We believe in heaven, and as nice as all those things are Heaven is a billion times better than any of that. The only reason we’re not in heaven is because we have a job to do here, find others that we can help come to know Jesus.
We want everyone to feel welcome at Ignite, whether you believe in Jesus or not. But for those that have decided to put their trust in Jesus, to be found in Him, we want to challenge you to find others. We want you to help share this with as many people as you can.
‘Find’ not ‘convince’
Note our job isn’t to persuade or convince people that Jesus is real. You can’t make anyone believe something they don’t, and trying is only going to get on their nerves. We believe that the message of Jesus is great enough that if we tell people about it with our words and show people with our lives then there are going to be people that want to know more.
So yes, we want Ignite to be great. And yes we want it to be ‘The Best Night of the Week’. But more than anything we want you to take what you learn at Ignite and share it in your schools, friendship groups and clubs. Remember, if you’re a found person your job is to find people to share that with.